Category Archives: Lists

Supporting information regarding the various Posts, e.g. Lists of books.

Cane Yet Able Marking rubric

  • Good lighting
  • High contrast edges
  • Smooth surfaces underfoot
  • Plenty of large signs, located in obvious places
  • Surface clues (lines to follow)
  • Enough help/staff
  • Trained staff
  • Signs of design for people with different levels of disability
  • Plenty of rest places, and safe spaces
  • Multiple styles of sensory information

1] Encounters/events will be rated using this rubric.
2] The List is designed as a hierarchical set of measures I’ve listed them from most important to ‘nice to have’) but I’m not assigning them a weight (so each encounter is given a mark based on a point for each item on the list, Max = 10)
3] This is just my opinion, and I may notice different issues/improvements on revisits (and will re mark if necessary). I would be delighted to hear from other travellers about how they managed, what they noticed.
4] The motive is to help improve things for others, warn or recommend, create a dialogue.

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X-it Wounds Reading List

Bradshaw (2013)[1934] Bradshaw’s International Air Guide: No. 1 November, 1934, Oxford, Old House Books & Maps.

Bryson, Bill (1992) Neither Here nor There; travels in Europe, London, Minerva Paperbacks.

Charter, David (2014) Europe In or Out, London, Biteback Publishing Ltd.

Claus, Hugo (2013) Even Now, Brooklyn, NY, Archipelago Books, Kindle edition – Belgium ALT

Davis, Norman (1997) Europe: A History, London, Pimlico.

Frommer, Arthur (1979) Europe on $10 a Day (21st edition), New York, Simon & Schuster.

Glemser, Peter (Ed) (1962) BP Touring Guide to Europe, London, British Petroleum Touring Service.

Judt, Tony (2005) Postwar: A history of Europe since 1945, London, William Heinemann.

Mak, Geert (2008) In Europe; travels through the twentieth century (translated from the Dutch by Sam Garrett), London, Vintage.

Palin, Michael (2007) New Europe, London, Weidenfeld Nicolson.

Terraine, John (1974) The Mighty Continent; a view of Europe in the twentieth century, London, Hutchinson & Co (Publishers) Ltd.

Uniqwe, Chika (2010) On Black Sister Street, London, Vintage [Kindle edition] – Belgium ALT

1] Each European country will have an Associated Literary Text (marked ALT on this list)
2] Due to deteriorating vision I now need to supplement my reading with supporting versions, for example (although I own these books) I also use large text, listen to Audio Book versions, and download Kindle editions.
3] The list will grow as I travel round the 28 EU member states.

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